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Trimester 3: Intro Video
"Prenatal Strength" Program
3m 19s
Welcome to your 'Trimester 3 Series' of workouts!
During this trimester, we will focus on preparation for birth and for those early days of motherhood! The main goal here is to maintain the strength we've gained throughout this program.
For this trimester, we will be working at a 'Rate of Perceived Exertion' (RPE) of 7-7.5 / 10 and will be doing 10-12 repetitions for each exercise.
Remember, RPE refers to how hard an exercise feels to YOU. The scale we use here is 1-10 (10 being the hardest you can work).
Equipment Needed:
-Band (ankle)
-5lb Dumbbells
-15-20lb Kettlebell
Up Next in "Prenatal Strength" Program
Trimester 3: Workout #1
Trimester 3: Workout #2
Trimester 3: Workout #3